The film revolves around two main characters are the Lam (Ngan Khanh) and Thố (Duc Thinh). They have nothing in common but ironic fate binds...
Tenacious Ghost
Story about twins: The Son is a superstar and The Tung is a farmer. They changed position. "Super Star Super Silly" is a comedy that earned revenues...
Super Star Super Silly
Anh Thầy Ngôi Sao
The film is set in the context of Christmas in the past and present. Mr. Gar - an "old man" who has nothing but money and loneliness, has always...
Già Gân, Mỹ Nhân và Găng Tơ
A clever prankster attempts to exonerate his beloved teacher from a troubling conviction that involves a wily bureaucrat.
Trạng Quỳnh
Four childhood friends and their wives at an upscale dinner party. After a much-heated discussion about how smartphones influence their personal...
Blood Moon Party