The noble family de la Porte lives at castle Medan. After the lost heir August returns unexpectedly, countess Herm, mother-in-law of younger brother...
Witching Hour
This film tells the story of Wendhorst, a man who is constantly striving to do his duty for his country. He protects Germany’s secrets but when...
Deutsche Helden
In 1885, famous New York Metropolitan Opera singer Maddalena dall' Orto is scheduled to perform at a festival in the German residence of Ilmingen. It...
Silent epic on the final years of Frederick II.
The Old Fritz II
The Old Fritz
Film by Richard Oswald.
Lützow's Wild Hunt
On 2 December 1805 Napoleon Bonaparte succeed in the glorious "Three Emperors" at Austerlitz, the Austrian Empire to defeat. Condition of...
Tyrol in Arms
Das Maskenfest des Lebens
Mata Hari, die rote Tänzerin (English: Mata Hari: The Red Dancer), often shortened on release to Mata Hari, is a 1927 German silent drama film...
Mata Hari: the Red Dancer