Jonas Kaufmann and Anna Caterina Antonacci bring rare erotic intensity to the drama of Don José and Carmen in this darkly passionate reading...
In 2027, in a chaotic world in which humans can no longer procreate, a former activist agrees to help transport a miraculously pregnant woman to a...
Children of Men
She's chic, slim and sexy like Brigitte Bardot. She's French. But she's not all French women, right?
She's French
In 1919, the great English military man T. E. Lawrence tries to help Emir Feisal, ruler of Arabia, retain his political power during the Conference...
A Dangerous Man: Lawrence After Arabia
Passion, jealousy and betrayal take center stage at Londons Royal Opera House in a spectacular production of the worlds most popular opera. Bizets...
Carmen in 3D
Max Peters, known around the world, wakes to find his phone has been hacked. As the social media tornado begins, his publicist, acting coach, and...
Liars and Cheats
The true story of photographer Elizabeth "Lee" Miller, a fashion model who became an acclaimed war correspondent for Vogue magazine during World War...