Poena is Koning follows the sexual awakening of Poena Pieterse and his high school buddy Vaatjie, who have decided that they have to lose their...
Poena Is Koning
The misadventures Vaatjie Venter, a talented pastry chef and the top student at the hotel school where he is training. Vattjie becomes the lead...
Vaatjie gets owned
An Afrikaans sex comedy which follows the adventures of a third-year student and his buddy at their holiday job. Desperate to lose his virginity, he...
Stoute Boudjies
Set in the 1940's, Ouma Se Slim Kind is an honest tale of the foibles of humanity, love and friendship, set against the often harsh, yet strikingly...
Ouma Se Slim Kind
The story revolves around a 34-year old, workaholic detective who is burnt out, having immersed himself in an investigation involving the ruthless...
The Last Tango
Molly and Wors are in marriage counseling because they suffer from empty nest syndrome. Their quiet Christmas suddenly turns into chaos when their...
Kersfees by Molly & Wors