A vörös Sámson
Farsangi mámor
The Merry Widow
Az árendás zsidó
A kuruzsló
Shulamith was written in 1883 by the father of modern Yiddish theatre, Abraham Goldfaden. The opera, based on an ancient legend, tells the story of...
Faithful to his word, Michael Tímar, captain of the St. Barbara, becomes the guardian of Kondya, daughter of a Turkish aristocrat on the run....
Man of Gold
Even without the benefit of sound, the 1922 German adaptation of Othello seems more operatic than Shakespearean. This may be due to the casting of...
Rita is a thief. With the complicity of her father, a seasoned criminal, she seduces a young heir, Jean Frémeaux, who, after quickly unmasking...
Souris d'Hôtel
Fräulein Frau
An older man wants to propose to a young woman. However, her family decides to form a plot so that she won't get engaged.
Keserü szerelem
Tavasz a télben
Mary Ann
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