In this kid-friendly version of Jules Verne's Classic Tale, a Professor and his Companions are trapped aboard on a fantastic submarine with a mad sea...
Crayola Kids Adventures: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
Veronica Ricci is bombarded by strange feelings and fleeting involuntary memories about her childhood after giving birth to her first child. She...
Not in My Family
Kate is a high-powered, workaholic executive who discreetly takes time off from her work to live with her artist friend Holly, who reveals she has...
A Message from Holly
1994. Cagney, now a Lieutenant, re-teams with Lacey, who has left the force, to search for a cache of missing firearms.
Cagney & Lacey: The Return
New York's toughest lady detectives re-team to solve the murder of a homeless transient who had been terrorizing the residents of a posh apartment...
Cagney & Lacey: Together Again
Cagney and Lacey work a case involving police corruption and document forgery. Chris seeks a prestigious promotion, while Mary Beth has to deal with...
Cagney & Lacey: The View Through the Glass Ceiling
Detectives Cagney and Lacey come face-to-face with their true feelings about capital punishment when they're assigned to the city's first capital...
Cagney & Lacey: True Convictions