While on a trip to Thailand, a successful American businessman tries to radically change his life. Back in New York, his wife and daughter find their...
In Bangkok, the medical student Mai has her first contact with cadavers in the anatomy class; however, after touching the dead body, she is haunted...
A group of friends visit the scenic town of Pai between Chiang Mai and Mae Hong Song to look for an idea to make a good movie that will best describe...
Pai in Love
To honour his father's dying wish, a man goes in search of his old friend and along the way he experiences love, betrayal and revenge.
Headless Hero
Twenty years after an acrimonious break-up, rock band "The Spiders" are asked to re-form as the subject of a Reality Show. However, the band's...
Glory Days
Ming seas ghosts since she's a little girl. One day, a young doctor visits her, knowing she can contact the dead. He wants her to find the reason...
The Spiritual World