Follows the story of Opinião, a theatre group created in 1964 during the early Brazilian dictatorship period to oppose the government through...
Memórias do Grupo Opinião
Green Magic (Italian: Magia verde) is a 1953 Italian documentary film directed by Gian Gaspare Napolitano.
Green Magic
Augusto Matraga is a violent agressive farmer who, after being betrayed by his wife and trapped by several enemies, is bitten up and left for dead,...
The Hour and Turn of Augusto Matraga
A pastor and a priest compete for the religious leadership of the population of a small town. When the pastor tries to prevent his sister's...
O Santo Milagroso
A great mystery surrounds Leonora, and it becomes even more mysterious when a stranger arrives from Buenos Aires looking for her, saying he knows...
Leonora of the Seven Seas